Sunday, April 26, 2009


I pass several delight every day. It is a blessing to be able to experience the world at this human scale.

People calling out the negative impacts of irresponsible pet owners.

Oranges. On stone walls.

New Fad

At first I only saw them here and there, but it seems recently they're everywhere. Little green buds. Little green leaves. Everyone wants a part of it.

Is it a cliche if it is still a miracle every time?


A giant two-year old etched these across the sky.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


So one of our onions sprouted. I read somewhere that you could cut off the bottom and plant it in soil and then eat the green shoots. So I did it.

Maybe I should plant the garlic too?

Sunday, April 5, 2009


I just delighted in this ethereal loveliness.


Here is Bubs, with Little Cosette nestling against her.

Holding hands. It's sickening - their cuteness - isn't it?